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My provide relief of insomnia and anxiety by addressing the four primary causes of insomnia (compromised liver, compromised adrenal glands, unstable blood sugar, and lack of trace minerals.)*


2 fl oz liquid


  • Contains: 

    Active: Theridon, Magnesia phosphorica, Coffea Cruda, Ignatia Amara, Zincum Metallicum, A proprietary blend of 38 single flower essences, Valerian (root), Cramp (bark), Skullcap, Passionflower, Ginger, Hops, Large Yellow Lady’s Slipper, Muira Puama, St. John’s Wort, Serotonin, Stevia leaf extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Cat’s Claw (bark), Jurubeba (whole plant), Oregon grape (root), Phyllanthus (aerial parts), Boldo (leaf), Dandelion (root), Artichoke (leaf), Milk Thistle (seed), Fringe Tree (root bark), Agrimony (aerial parts), Oat Straw (aerial parts), Burdock (root), Elecampane (root), Jambolan (seed), Cascara Sagrada (bark), Juniper (fruit), Aletris (root), Crannesbill (root), Echinacea Angustofolia (root), Magnesium Chloride, Potassium Chloride

    Inactive: 15% Alcohol in purified water.

    Suggested Usage: 

    5-10 drops 3 times per day or as directed by your healthcare provider.

10  Southeast Central Parkway, Suite 325,  Stuart, Florida. 34994



We are  located on the corner of Kanner Hwy. (Highway 76) and SE Central Parkway.


Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, believed that the human organism, with its body, mind and spirit is inextricably linked to the natural world, and with the right conditions, humans have the ability to regenerate and self-heal.

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