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* Neither content nor products on this website are meant to treat, cure or prevent any disease or to diagnose any disease.  Please see your medical doctor for diagnosis and disease recommendation      


Mix 3 parts Grade B, organic maple syrup with 1 part Bob's Red Mill baking soda.

Stir with low heat (not over 120 degrees) for 5 - 10 minutes.

Take 3 teaspoons per day for 1 - 2 months or as directed by your practitioner.

*If it tastes terrible, you burned it which is easy to do.

*Change diet to no sugar and no white flour.


Note:  You can also do foot baths if you cannot take a bath.  Just reduce the amount of ginger or Epsom salt.


Put 1 -3 tablespoons of freshly ground ginger in the bath.  (Most health food stores carry the ground ginger and cayenne.)  Get in and increase the temperature of the water as hot as you can stand it.  Bathe for about 20 minutes.  Drink tea (fennel or other decaffeinated herbal) with fresh ground cayenne (as much as you can tolerate).   Get out of bath and wrap yourself in a light towel or sheet.  You will likely sweat a lot for about 20-30 minutes.  (Do not shower.)  Go directly to sleep. 


Put 1 – 4 cups of Epsom salts in the bath.  Stay in for at least 15 minutes.


For the first 3 – 5 days Eat dark leafy green vegetables, salad and low sugar fruits for the chlorophyll and fiber.  Take a greens drink.  Eat organic, unsweetened yogurt (Stonyfield Farm) and Kefir, which are cultured food and will give you probiotics.  Eat Vital Choice Salmon.  Drink 8 glasses of water each day.  No sugar, caffeine, meat.   

On the 3 or 4 day Take 2 -4 Cape Aloe at dinner.  Soak dried figs, prunes and raisins in just enough water to cover.  Add 1 tablespoon of molasses, cover and leave overnight.   

The next day   

When arising: Take 1 tablespoon of Fiber Life or Fiberzon in organic apple juice or water.  Take 1000 mg of vitamin C to raise glutathione levels.   

Breakfast: Discard dried fruits from soaking water and take a small glass of the liquid.   


Mid Morning:  Take 4 oz. of aloe juice (can add to water) and 1000mg vitamin C.   Lunch: Take a glass of fresh carrot juice.   

Mid Afternoon: Take a large glass of fresh apple juice or an herbal colon cleansing tea.   


5:00 – 6:00:  Take a small glass of fresh carrot juice or a glass of water with greens.   Supper:  Take a glass of papaya juice and 1000mg of vitamin C.  Eat a small, raw foods salad.    Before bed:  Take 1 heaping teaspoon of Fiber Life or Fiberzon in water, 2 – 4 Cape Aloe and drink a cup of mint tea.  

  1. Cape Aloe. Order under "Standard Enzyme products tab on our website."

  2. GI Biotic Pro.  Order under "Standard Enzyme products tab on our website."

  3. Vitamin C.  Camu Plus; order under "Standard Enzyme products tab on our website."

  4. Dark leafy vegetables.  Organic Girl from Publix.

  5. Low sugar fruit; berries or Gala apples.

  6. Salad.

  7. Kite Hill almond milk yogurt or organic yogurt (based on blood type).

  8. Kefir

  9. Vital Choice Salmon.  Order under "Organic Foods" link to the left.

  10. Dried figs, prunes, raisins - organic without additives.

  11. Molasses

  12. Organic aloe juice

  13. Fresh carrot juice

  14. Fresh apple juice

  15. Papaya juice

  16. Colon cleansing tea

  17. Mint, fennel or sage tea

  18. Standard Enzyme Products

*There is currently no state licensing for Naturopath in Florida.  Michele Millen works only in the capacity of a technician with the equipment listed above and as an educator for helping people balance their bodies.  Neither content nor products on this website are meant to treat, cure or prevent any disease or to diagnose any disease.  Please see your medical doctor for diagnosis and disease recommendations. 

10  Southeast Central Parkway, Suite 325,  Stuart, Florida. 34994



We are  located on the corner of Kanner Hwy. (Highway 76) and SE Central Parkway.


Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, believed that the human organism, with its body, mind and spirit is inextricably linked to the natural world, and with the right conditions, humans have the ability to regenerate and self-heal.

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