Why Micro Daily EMF is an effective 5G EMF radiation defense from the inside out:
Micro Daily EMF contains specially formulated micronutrients that have been shown to reduce free radicals in your body at the cellular level which helps to boost the Immune System and activate the Anti-inflammation response.
Micro Daily EMF is Enhanced with four unique scientifically validated ingredients:
- Quercetin increases the survival of animals when administered before whole-body lethal doses of gamma-irradiation .Show Picture of Skulls
- Resveratrol increases the survival of animals when administered before lethal doses of gamma-irradiation and decreases the damage to the liver and intestine, which are very radiosensitive organs. It also enhance the antioxidant enzymes by activating ROS (reactive oxygen species)-resistant Nrf2.
- Curcumin when administered before irradiation increases the rate of healing in radiation induced damaged skin, survival, and decreases radiation-induced lung fibrosis in animals.
- Green tea extract when administered before irradiation increases the survival of irradiated animals by decreasing oxidative damage.
- Resveratrol and Green tea extract treatment reduced oxidative stress in individuals working near high voltage power plant.
Micro Daily EMF
Do not order from our website. Please call the office at 772-486-3779 to order.